Two of my dwellers got killed in my fully upgraded diner, and I resurrected them. Ever since all but one of the dwellers complains of corpses in the room - meaning their happiness is permanently lowered to 20% when ever they are in the diner. The only one that doesn't complain is one of the resurrected dwellers. I have tried removing everyone and reintroducing them one by one, but even when it's just a single dweller in the diner she will complain of corpses, despite being alone in there. If I swap in someone new that person quickly drops to 20% happiness.
I googled the problem and found that others had run into the bug on IOS. The recommendation is to tear down the room, but it's my only food producer and I don't have any caps to rebuild it
I'm feeling a bit stuck rightnow. I can't have 6 of 22 people permanently at 20% happiness!
Please patch this bug so it at least doesn't happen again.