I loved building and upgrading my vault, but lost interest after I reached the population and room caps, because not playing offered more options for fun than water-treading maintenance.
The Deathclaws are a better solution to this dead end. Egsssselent!
And letting us transfer lunchboxes will keep Deathclaws/re-pop from eventually becoming drudgery as well. Because I'd rather cut my losses than buy another 50 or so lunchboxes to use in every layout. Bethesda could benefit in the end, because I don't use them anymore in my current layout and would only buy more after I exhausted my supply building a 2nd layout, when I'd need more to further my 3rd layout.
In fact, despite probably needing pop and room caps for technical space requirements, Bethesda might benefit by allowing further layouts, storing only 3 on the device and the rest in Apple's GameCenter or that server Facebook runs or offloaded to the user's flashdrive.