Good enough, as long as you keep expanding slowly, you usually have enough caps once your wanderer(s) start spending more and more time on the wasteland, but I still dont quite like to destroy rooms everytime.
One warehouse initially nets you +10 storage, (20 totalcounting the base 10), more than enough for those first days. After that, I prefer to add another one (upgrade nets +5, so initially is just plain better to build another one) and just make a 2-size room for a 30 total storage. Uopgrading that once will increase your storage to 40. Then, if still in need, I'd build more instead of keep upgrading.
Good choice, but I'd make a couple of changes here, specially if raiders and deathclaws can take the rightmost elevator to go down a level (If they don't it may be a better layout)
First problem you encounter: tutorial svcks. It will almost always force you to destroy one of the initial rooms or you'll end wit a subpar configuration; so I'd start the tutorial this way.
Ensure there are no rocks in the first three sub-levels (or they're at the far right). If there's a rock, I'd just plain restart the Vault.
[.] "Empty" full sized space. There's one to the left of the Vault Door
[V] Vault Door room
[E] Elevator
[Q] Dorms (Quarters)
[ ] Full-sized empty space (1-room size), there can be rocks on the spaces, or in between them.
[] Small-sized empty space (half-room size, can hold an elevator)
[P] Power plant
[W] Water plant
[F] Food plant
[*] Room to destroy
Initial vault layout:
Sub-level 1: [.][ V ][E][Q][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 2: [ ][ ][ ][E][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Now, tutorial forces you to place an elevator to sub-level 2, a Power plant room, and then will force you to place a Water plant and a Food plant (in any order). In order to build an eficient vault from scratch, you'll need to destroy one of the rooms and recreate it elsewhere:
Step 1: Adding the Power plant. Idea here is to place it in sub-level 2:
Sub-level 1: [.][ V ][E][Q][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 2: [ ][ ][P][E][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Step 2: Adding the Food and Water plants
Sub-level 1: [.][ V ][E][Q][W][ ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 2: [ ][ ][P][E][F][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Step 3: You left the room tutorial, you may now destroy the room you placed in Sub-level 1
Sub-level 1: [.][ V ][E][Q][*][ ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 2: [ ][ ][P][E][F][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Now, here is where I'd change things from Goth's layout:
Step 4: Build another elevator to sub-level 3 and rebuild there the destroyed room.
Sub-level 1: [.][ V ][E][Q][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 2: [ ][ ][P][E][F][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 3: [ ][ ][W][E][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
And here's why:
Step 5: Once needed, upgrade your sub-level 1 quarters to keep acomodating dwellers...
Sub-level 1: [.][ V ][E][ Q ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 2: [ ][ ][P][E][F][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 3: [ ][ ][W][E][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Step 6: Then build a Warehouse once you need some extra space... and do NOT build the rightmost elevator in that floor
Sub-level 1: [.][ V ][E][ Q ][ W ][]
Sub-level 2: [ ][ ][P][E][F][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 3: [ ][ ][W][E][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Now, the sub-level 1 is basically "empty". There are no dwellers in the entire floor except when you're whooing someone on the dorms. This essentially nets you some good extra 10-15 seconds to get ready while raiders or deathclaws check every room in the floor. Once they do check the rightmost room, they'll start moving towars the only elevator, moment where your Power Plant dwellers will ready their weapons (enemies seem to check rooms from left to right). Give the Power plant dwellers your best weapons and armor, and then the ones on the Food or Water plant at the same sublevel across the elevator.
Step 6: You keep improving the resource rooms, which in the end will become3-size ones.
Sub-level 1: [.][ V ][E][ Q ][ W ][]
Sub-level 2: [ P ][E][ F ][ ][ ][]
Sub-level 3: [ W ][E][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][]
Since you have a two size room avalable to the right of each floor, you can place there rooms that do not require to be 3-sized to be useful, like extra dorms, a radio, some extra medbays, and maybe another set of warehouses later.
Finally, sub-level 2 onwards you can place the rightmost elevator to improve access to the rest of your dwellers, but by not placing the second sub-level 1 elevator you ensure the dwellers in the sub-level 2 rightmost room are not the ones engaging the enemies if they take the that elevator; allowing you to control the order enemies will engage your first few rooms (Power plant, then the 3-size room to the right of the main elevator, then the 2-size room at the end of sub-level 2); giving the best equipment to those dwellers in order will ensure raiders die at the power plant (haven't seen raiders disengaging) and deathclaws will ve severely damaged if they're able to reach sub-level 3.
Step 7+, adding more rooms:
Sub-level 1: [.][ V ][E][ Q ][ W ][]
Sub-level 2: [ P ][E][ F ][2siz][E]
Sub-level 3: [ W ][E][3 size ][2siz][E]
Sub-lvl 4+: [3 size ][E][3 size ][2siz][E]
Finally, as of the current version, seems that deathclaw behavior is the following: They'll normally behave like raiders, moving from left to right checking every room and engaging dwellers before going down a level, but they may chose randomly to disengage from combat and resume"roaming mode", skipping to the "next" available room. Once deathclaws reach the "end" of the vault (last room in the bottom level), they'll take the shortest path and leave the vault without further engagements.
The catch here is that they don't seem to be able to retrace their steps (they will not reengage dwellers in a room they left even if they cross if in their way to an elevator), so once they "clear" sub-level 1 you may actually transfer dwellers to the 10 empty slots available there (dorms and warehouse) and they'll be safe from deatch claws. Dwellers issued a movement command don't seem to take damage until they reach their destination, so you may actually micro your dwellers, moving them to already "checked rooms" so only your "guards" engage.