Suggestions for future updates

Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:19 am

1.) A security room where dwellers assigned there patrol the vault and run to any problems that might pop up. This would protect lower level dwellers as they would exchange places with security guards that respond to any threat in the room. It would also protect against a mole rat infestation in an un-manned room that wipes put all of the vault.

2.) Raiding raiders: It would be a huge update, sense the entire game runs on one screen, but if you could form a raiding party and actually hit the raiders back that wpuld be awesome! Maybe if there's a sequal.

3.) Increased and random number of raiders per attack. I have two lvl 30 guards at my vault door with powerful weapons, the raiders never make it further.

4.) A way to send off dwellers so to make room for new dwellers without sending exploring with the purpose of letting them die.

5.) Expanding to a 2nd vault!

6.) An actual dweller character to repesent the player as the vault overseerer, with full customization of appearance and SPECIAL stats.

7.) An office room for the overseerer character where he can influence the production/training of any room by delegating caps.

8.) Special rankongs for the overseerer to award to his favorite dwellers. Like a second-in-command sort of thing, where they can patrol and influence whatever room they are in based upon their special stats.

9.) Increase dweller level cap to 100.

10.) Provide an alternate, albeit extremely difficult way to get legendary dwellers without using a lunchbox.

12.) Let explorers find dwellers in the wasteland and bring them with them back to the vault.

13.) Let explorers find stimpacks and radaways in the wasteland as well, though sparingly.

14.) Fix the early game objectives so a player doesn't get a "raise a dwellers SPECIAL" stat until they at least have close to the number of dwellers to build the room. I started a new game and got a "raise intelligence by 1" at 1t dwellers and it takes 35 to build the freaking room. Not to mention all the caps along the way.

15.) Let explorers find lunchboxes in the wasteland and bring them back (with the same percentage as legendary drops).
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Zach Hunter
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