First off, great job on the game. Love it. Never got into a 'side scrolling strategy' before. Touchscreen works great for this.
Here are a few ideas which I think will greatly add to the game. I will be brief for easy reading.
1. Tunnel section -- very cheap, empty, allows travel, can be overwritten by other buildings. This allows player to design base layout without huge costs/wait.
2. Other building ideas --
- A Barracks which dispatches its 'enforcers' to chase down any threat. Enforcers clear rooms in order to fight -- other dwellers leave room as enforcers enter.
- ?A Trade Post or warehouse section which sells/buys resources from caravans on the surface. Could replace storage room and use E stat. Workers use E stat to bring caravans sooner and are prepping shipments (batteries, fuel/food/water containers). Similar to radio station, flashes when caravan arrives at front gate. Bigger caravans will buy/sell more but always a limit.?
- A workshop section for improving outfits and weapons, and improvising new ones (as in FO3). May also build/improve robots? Scavengers may find robot/item parts in the wastelands?
- An HQ section for the overseer to post employee of the month pictures of themself. Workers' stats give boost to whole vault -- for example, high S stat gives boost to power rooms. bureaucracy.
- Interactive radio section -- can be 'rushed' to provide morale boosting radio show -- a surge of happiness especially for unhappy dwellers. risk of failure similar to rushing.
3. Convenience and immersion --
- ?please make stimpaks equippable on everyone so they can use them when they are near death. during some events people overlap and are hard to heal manually.
- it would be nice if fallen dwellers were 'dying' or 'unconscious' not 'dead'. How I am resurrecting them by throwing bottlecaps on their bodies, idk. Would prefer they are stuck in medbay or living quarters for a time, instead of just charging large fee.
- please give indication who people have mated with and who their parents/children are. perhaps a family tree popup similar to the SPECIAL details
4. Currently only lone explorers go out of vault, doing scout-type events as you read in their log. a few extra possibilities for barracks and trade posts --
- barracks' enforcers could be sent out as a team to fight raiders, clear trade routes, look for other vaults or settlements to trade with, escort caravans, doing more military type events
- trade posts' traders could be sent out as a caravan with a payload of goods, buying and selling based on charisma/int/luck, making money and doing more civilian type events
- especially useful if multiplayer is ever implemented, maybe something like caravaneers 2 or the map mode in FO2. Watching your various groups' activities on the map would be another way to pass time in game between clickable events.
- this could all be simplified by having 'escorts' and 'traders' as addable items when you send someone out, similar to other equips. the first person sent would be de facto leader, around which the group is formed.
- in fact if you made people 'equippable' to other people inside the vault they could function as work teams following leaders/bosses and make managing 100+ ppl much easier. but I digress
thank you for reading.