This little game has so much more potential

Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:26 pm

I like it, but it could be so much more improved that would make it interesting to keep playing.

I've reached a population of 45 now with a steady +90% happines for a week and I feel that it's getting far too repetitive and is this... just it? I might just uninstall the game (No threat - just saying ^^). I bought 5-pack lunchbox just to support Bethesda and I love Fallout. Opening the case was pretty fun, but I see no point in keep buying them?

As an example:

Why not make ventures into the wasteland abit more interesting?

  • Give the player a choice that pops up sometimes on how they want to proceed on a scenario. (like once every 3-6 hour)

  • If no response from player within 30 min, just continue like nothing happened or have the dweller choose randomly)

  • A scenario could be: "You see a group a bandits which has alot of supply, how do you want to proceed?

  • Options could be: 1. Run away (endurance), 2. Sneak away (agility) , 3. Take them down silently (perception), 4. Loud and aggressive (strength) 5. Hack their AI defense (Intelligence) 6. Be friendly and talk to them (charisma), 7. Try to imitate the sounds of an angry mutant (luck) - These are just fast examples and my suggestion is not to show what stat is good for an option like I did. Make the player think. Otherwise it's to easy (just look what stat your dweller have the most and choose that option) which is boring gameplay and uninteresting.

  • All the different options give different bad or good outcomes.

This is just 1 example on how to make this game abit more interesting. There could be so much more.

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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:53 pm

I like these ideas, any addition to scavenging is good because as it is its just luck and waiting
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Je suis
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:46 am

  • Also, please make equipping items better. It's a pain to go through all of your dwellers, one at a time to make sure everyone have the best weapon and outfit possible. Especially when you bring home alot of weapons and outfits from the wasteland. It would be good if you can press "Auto equip all dwellers". Maybe a have an equip screen with a list of all your dwellers? The dwellers on top get the best weapons (you can drag dwellers, or have a button "move to top"). And they equip outfits based on what room they're in. But place a button beside a dwellers name that says: "Ignore this dweller" so that this dweller doesn't change anything when you press "Auto equip".

  • On the same list (It doesn't have to be just an equip list - or have more lists, you decide Bethesda - It's a mobile game after all, so simplicity is key, I know. But you need to balance simplicity with fun gameplay and it's not fun to drag your small little dwellers in case of an emergency if you have big fingers or have a small screen) ... make it possibe so you can assign 6 (or whatever number) dwellers that automatically react to emergencies.

Then you might ask, but where's the fun in this game then? Pressing green icons that pops up once in a while? Yes, that's what I feel like. And this equipping and when you have to drag dwellers fast isn't fun. It's just annoying. Please don't take this as I'm trying to bash your game. I'm just trying to give you good feedback on what you should improve. Make the game interesting in another way (see my post above).

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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:28 am

Bump. Anyone agree with this?

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Chris BEvan
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:15 am

I think these are good ideas, but I also feel that there needs to be more. A better way to play that enhances the strategy side of this game, because let's face it this game isn't about skill at the moment. Being the Overseer means you need to be a tactician and playing into that is keep to enhance the gameplay.

I'd suggest (and not all of these are things that can be instantly added, but might take some time to create):

1) Scavenge mode - where you can send a group of your dwellers into the wasteland. A new screen will take you to different places (caves, raider camps, 'abandoned' vaults, desolate cities, enclave compounds, et al). It would be set up with a 2D view just like looking at your own vault but you'd have to use different SPECIAL to gain access to different rooms, lockers, storage, vaults or to help rescue/heal captives/slaves, find special hidden objects, ect ect. The idea is you only have X number of dwellers to work with who only care a certain amount of supplies. Quick down side is it doesn't make much sense being an Overseer and having control over your people whilst in the wastelands but hey you can tell explorers to return when they are hours away so I guess it somehow can make sense, right?!

2) Variable Attacker Strategies - at the moment the attacks are bland. Raiders die at the vault door room with two dwellers with any rare gun equipped. Deathclaws are a bit harder but with plenty of firepower you can kill them within the first 5 rooms. There needs to be more threats that spread differently throughout the vault. One thing I liked in Final Fantasy XII was the use of gambits on each character. Gambits, for those that don't know what I'm talking about, allowed for a set of protocols to be followed based certain things going on in battle. Example: if the scenario is 'HP is <40%' then the action taken is 'cast:Cure' (or 'Use Stimpak' in FOS).

So in the game it could be useful to set it so the scenario might be 'Endurance is <4' then the action would be 'Flee room from: Deathclaw.' Also 'Level <10' then 'Flee room from: Deathclaw.' No any dwellers under 4 End AND/OR under lvl 10 will flee to an empty room. They could call this the 'Vault Protocol' screen, which the Overseers can set upto 10 'rules' that dwellers will follow when incidents happen.

This may sound like it is making the game easier but what it affords is for the deathclaws now to come in packs of about 6-8 and instead of all going into the same room they can split up and attack many rooms. It also allows for my next suggestion.

3) System Failures - Imagine that your vault has just been hit with raiders. I doubt the only thing raiders want to do it steal food, water, caps, and energy. They probably also want to leave you crippled with broken computers, cut wires, broken lab equipment, ect. Now would be a great time to use those high in SPECIAL to repair your vault. After a raid, your dwellers will go back to their assigned rooms but the rooms will have certain negative attribute now that will need repairing. So in the Med Bay/Chem Lab you'll have to use someone with high END and INT to know how to clean up the radioactive materials that are now spilt everywhere in the room, or else your dwellers assigned to that room will exponentially gain radiation poisoning. Or your dining room equipment has been tipped over, so now you produce less food unless you use people with STR to reset the equipment. With so many possible System Fails that could happen you would have to choose your gambits carefully since you are limited. This will make it more interesting than just placing people with one SPECIAL to a room.

Just a few thoughts I had. :)

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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:56 pm

I really really really agree with the problem of finding out if dwellers have the proper weapon/clothes....

It would be nice to have more choises in the list of dwellers in a specific room.

Exempel: you click on garden and in the list of dwellers in the room you could also change weapon and clothes.

/ bobdylan

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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:14 am

Im sure as the game continues to be popular, Bethesda will have to come up with more mechanics, characters, items, rooms etc. to keep it fun and sustainable.

Your suggestion is interesting. Reminds me of when your character goes to work in the Sims. There could be a cute little image that goes with each scenario.

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Jay Baby
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:11 pm

Good idea I would really like to see something like this in Fallout Shelter
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jason worrell
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:08 am

I'd say they'd do well to scrap the stupid "training rooms" and rework character creation. End game seems to come quickly once you hit lvl 50 and have 10 on all special stats. They could make dweller creation with traits and even skills for the dwellers. That way end game wouldn't feel like that.

Last thought, they could add replay value of they made you take choices, maybe if they create multiple story lines and then each play through would be different. With the suggestion above you could gear your dwellers towards the missions rather than spam the training rooms which is horribly boring.
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anna ley
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:13 am

Having random Vault-tech Experiments kick on say 50 dwellers or something would be pretty cool(one per vault). This would provide a new interesting set of challenges to overcome, while also providing some sort of benefit as well. Like your dwellers start to become ghouls over time, making it impossible to procreate, but they are totally immune from radiation. Example: Pro = Water and Radaway is obsolete, Con= Can only gain new dwellers (who will turn into ghouls) from the radio station. Stuff like that.

To keep a Player from exploiting this with save files have it kick in at 50 dwellers, but predetermined upon Vault creation(results unknown to the player until triggered).

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Amanda savory
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:30 am

A couple small ideas that I haven't seen listed one of which would be a functionality can you move the little icon that appears when you have successfully added to one of the missions so it does not cover up the rush button or make it so that it's transparent and behind the button all the way to the left of the screen bottom alway at the top I don't care if it covers up my resources I think it would make it much easier second when you're exploring the wasteland / 24 hours or more instead of continuing to gather items your people hold on to the low level items and let better items just vanish so while exploring if they grab items or they get full they should drop items of lower quality for better quality items like how they will auto equip themselves with a better weapon this should be applied to their inventory as well I also feel to add longevity to the game there should be more upgradeability but not just to the production and training rooms upgrading the entrance is really sad it just delays it a couple seconds and getting in when it could be adding turrets to auto damage something coming in such as actually happens in the game I've noticed that you put in graphical cameras and stuff in rooms and such like that you can add a walk-through feature in the game where you could follow through the eyes of one of your dwellers I also believe that you should be able to upgrade the walls to lower the chance of certain events happening I would make this incredibly expensive though and make you have to pay for each of the four walls per room in addition if you reached the bottom level you can add into where there's an option to expand to new areas and add in a mining feature to gather resources to make super upgraded rooms or whatever you would like to call them suggestions for this would be weapons lab smelter excetra I know how you guys are about the crafting and I love it myself and feel it's truly missing in this little game that could be a staple in itself by the way I'm going on 200 residence at the moment ;)
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:54 am

I love this entire quote.

Made me think a bit more too. Mods for weapons, maybe even add in weapon/armor repair? Mods could be increase rate of fire, bonus damage, bonus DT/DR, etc.

Rewards for defeating Raiders (and other things when added) would be nice, maybe with a rewards screen so you can decide to sell them off (if they are all rusty) or keep them.

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ILy- Forver
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:32 am

I second this. Essentially the main mechanics of the game is covered within the first hour of playing. After this there is no pupose in going on. There is no end-game, goal or story. Basically fallout farmville. Endless loop of food, water, power..... Add occasional events to stir up the pot, but thats it.
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Maria Leon
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:32 pm

Absolutely agree. The game was really addictive for like a week. Now, around 10 days into the game, I have 150 dwellers and unlocked every room. I could have reached the 200 dweller cap a week ago, but the question is: What for? The only thing left to do is to train the dwellers. And once they are done training, I don't know what to do with them. It's quite tedious and boring actually.

The games that invented this game-genre (the games FOS is ripped off from) have at least dozens or hundreds of unique rooms to build. So that's at least a slight incentive to continue playing.

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George PUluse
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:48 pm

The game is rather boring and you are right that it doesn't go any further than the first hour of gameplay. The end-game would be all dwellers at lvl 50 with 10 in all stats and all weapons/armor/dwellers collected but that is about the most boring concept for a game I could think of.

I don't know about any of you, but I find that Character creation is one of the most fun aspects in the FO universe. I have spent hours just thinking up different personalities and designing wanderers/chosen ones/vault dwellers with different SPECIAL builds. Plus traits and perks are always important. If they bring that back, into FOS, and add a few new mechanics/events to make each playthrough different based upon choices made and the build of characters in the vault, they would have a game that would have massive replay value (AKA more opportunities for players to buy lunchboxes and support Bethesda).

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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:54 am

The game had potential, but sadly, Bethesda screwed the pooch by making such a huge gap in the difficulty by adding Deathclaws. Could've added Slavers, Super Mutants, Mirelurks, before Deathclaws to spice things up, but no: They decided to shove the strongest creature before you, thinking they're so clever, only to witness their players just cruising through it. Pretty sad.

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Darlene Delk
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:12 am

adding to my master list of suggestions and improvements I am doing my best to maintain.

Dude? Forgotton? Please, periods.

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