I. Here are some LVL EXP numbers to crunch, if you don't mind the gap between LVL30 and LVL50 (to be added later). Not sure why FOS LevelUp EXP formula is so weird.. It is not even based on FO's usual quadratic function, but on linear increments in funky intervals!
LVL EXP.PTS DELTA (to prev. level)
1 0.00 +0
2 3601.00 +3600
3 16201.00 +12600
4 28351.00 +12150
5 40501.00 +12150
6 55081.00 +14580
7 69661.00 +14580
8 84241.00 +14580
9 98821.00 +14580
10 113401.00 +14580
11 139321.00 +25920
12 165241.00 +25920
13 191161.00 +25920
14 217081.00 +25920
15 243001.00 +25920
16 267301.00 +24300
17 291601.00 +24300
18 315901.00 +24300
19 340201.00 +24300
20 365501.00 +24300
21 388801.00 +24300
22 413101.00 +24300
23 437401.00 +24300
24 461701.00 +24300
25 486001.00 +24300
26 534601.00 +48600
27 583201.00 +48600
28 631801.00 +48600
29 680401.00 +48600
30 729001.00 +48600
31-49 uncharted area, TBC
50 2916001.00
II. SPECIAL level up function is nice and resembles old good fallout:
EXP_i = SUM(EXP_0..i-1) + 1800 * i * ( i - 1 )
1 0
2 3600
3 14400
4 36000
5 72000
6 126000
7 201600
8 302400
9 432000
10 594000