Menu Status and DeathClaw : Make sure you turn off

Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:18 am

Epic morning it was.i usually check my vault in the morning when i wake up and check before i go to sleep. yesterday i was organizing my vault and made sure training dwellers are placed in the right room and production team was in the right place. and my exploring crew (5 dwellers went out at the same time) had extra stimpack and seemed they had enough for the journey. at this point i was very sleepy but i managed to get off to the main menu. but as some people might notice. turning off the game and going to the main screen and staying in that menu screen is different. if you are in the menu screen it seems as if you are still in the game but the screen is menu: unable to see the vault makes you feel like you turned the app off but you did not. so basically what happens is the time keeps running. if you dont push that resource button the dwellers will consume like always without extra production. Electricity, Food, Water will decline to the point where those three combined will ensure you the holy trifecta disaster is about to hit the vault. I had 60 dwellers : 5 went out to search, 6 were in a nuclear plant (3 room max upgraded), 6 were in a power plant (3 room max upgraded) 4 each in the water / food. so basically 25 were working and 35 were training. i did not go out much since i wanted to train my dwellers to be SPECIAL in every way (this reminds me of the movie Mad Max lol) - which later i found out to be pointless. i did not observed what exactly happened but at some point more rat seem to have appeared. radiation level (due to water plant not producing) reached to the point where 1/4 of my dwellers health was red. no food production, happiness rate gone down south. since i did not explore much my dwellers (who was training. production dwellers were equipped with laser / sawed off shot gun / some goodies in food + water (which i gathered from my first voyage. but it doesnt go past 10 damage - the exploring group was the 2nd) so... long story short the more rats slaughtered my vault. i mean it's purely based on percentage but still, they seemed to have planned when to attack. this was when i woke up checked my phone and noticed that it was at the menu screen (oh. i knew atm that my vault would be a total disaster lol) i was frustrated and was looking for the ones that survived. mostly the ones in the production line. i managed to gather some up (thank god i maxed out my stimpacks and radx) and destroyed the ugly bastards. i think there was like 12 alive. i checked the exploring crew. they survived in the waste using 3 stimpacks for a day (i sent them out with 7 stimpacks and 6 radx) and after i slept for 7 hours they died. all of them. thankfully i read a post here about how someones vault got slaughtered but managed to survive. unfortunately i had no time to waste figuring out how to revive this in-game characters. i had caps to revive room by room (make sure you revive them at the same time. corpse with live dwellers only result in decline of happiness.) but not enough. i had my exploring crew revived but it took 17 hours to come back to a vault full of corpse. something was clear. i had to open that lunch box. 40 of them. i bought them and opened like 10 of them. caps and lousy weapons and gears. but most of all dwellers (card say its unique with that flashy sound and effect but we all know well trained vault borns are better). increased the total number of dwellers. average level around 30, dwellers number around 65-70 ish, opened the vault door several times. does it ring a bell? oh that's right. time for my first ever death claw attack when my vault was full of corpse (no more death though lol) wow. they were big, fast, strong for my survived ones who was barely gathering themselves. i ve read some post and seen youtube how they moved. so i focused on giving my survived ones a stimpack boost. i think deathclaws were also frustrated because there was no dwellers to kill. i was busy injecting stimpacks but i think i saw them going down floor not using the stairs but smashing through the vault floor.(though they seemed to be lining at that stairs) i injected my survived ones with stimpacks and moved around the vault. sort of like vault corpse trip :( (their happiness went down) first deatclaw died in 2nd floor, second one at the 3rd, third in 5th. some died. i opened some packs. revived. but i had no time to micro manage them all. quickly opened all my packs. sold most of the garbage (only one legendary dweller came out - making total of 3 / and several power armors ) revived most of them (3 still down i think) rushed the resources and made it green. rushed the stimpacks / radx with my 17 intelligence Dr. Li (10 trained, 7 expert lab coat) injected most of them. basically my vault with oxy tank barely breathing. unhappy most of all (this seems to happen when you train all of SPECIAL stats of your dwellers. they are capable of many things but never happy of satisfied. better to make one stat reach 10 and place him in one room for rest of his life like a slave. sad really. it got me thinking about real life) yes that's it that's my todays morning tale of 'Main Menu : rise of Mole Rat and invasion of Death Claw' (Vault of Corpse)

1. Make sure you turn off the game for good. never play it when you are sleepy.

2. There is no point training every SPECIAL stats. Endurance, Luck and pick one from SPCIA and place the dweller in one room once and for all.

3. Open LunchBox. That's why this game is released for free. Make the users addicted to the game. put low percentage on the goodies. (legends are only found in pack : dweller, weapon, gear) eventually lot of them will open packs like me.

4. SPECIAL stats doesnt matter. equip the dwellers with goodies and they will be more effective than well trained dwellers. Thus buy / open lunchbox.

=> ive seen some people expand quickly and reaching the cap limit. but cap dont mean nothing in this game. there is a limited space, there is a limited number of dwellers (21 legends). management is all there is. should choose a theme (10 SPECIAL stats for everyone, Only with Man, Only with Woman etc).

bottom line like all games it's man made amusemant that doesn't last much long. especially on phone. will be expecting fallout 4

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:09 am

Great Story. Sorry for your losses. Thanks for the 'chance to learn'.
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Nicholas C
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:25 am

my theme was 'slow, train everyone to be SPECIAL' but apparently training everyone doesn't seem to really matter :/

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Charity Hughes
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