Rat's Rambles..

Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:08 am

Entry from Overseer RatSkeltor.

Zooming out from my 2wide Fitness Room, where my latest batch of Eds are raising their Endurance, I take a quick glance at my 4" screen, on my iPhone Pipboy. With my 3rd Raider attack of the afternoon starting, it appears that I won't get much Admin work done. "Let's see how they are handling it." I say, as I zoom in on my Vault Defense room, a 2wide Advanced Reactor. All 4 are L42-50 and have base Military garb on, but have my latest 'lunchbox' weapons, Plasma, Enhanced Rail, and Guass rifles, along with a Flamer. "They'll do fine, as long as I don't get a Molerat invasion next."

I remember it like it was yesterday, although it was 6 weeks or so, since I got that call from Vault Tec, (and here I'd thought they were just a gaming company) asking.. no.. Telling me I have to 'become an Overseer', or 'head to the wastes like all the other poor slobs'. I was ling at the time, in Vault 777, usually playing my favorite game (fallout or thief) on my latest Pip Boy. I took the Overseer job. Don't get me wrong, I like it. It's a lot like those "Fallout games" I've been playing for years. Well, sorta like.. I'm just glad I figured out how to stop those Deathclaws for a while, at least.

Like other Overseers, I'd had a bit of a learning curve, when after 2-3 weeks Vault Tec opened vaults up to the Android PipBoy.. my first 3 vaults Tanked within hours. Deathclaws? And Molrats? But Vault Tec stood by me, and moved me to a new vault. Since that ttime, I've lost 4 more vaults, each it's own 'learning experiment'. For now, I'm running one up near the Canadian Border, near the big lake, Superior. I've also got 2 small ones, each less than 20 dwellers, a few miles away, where I'm using my knowledge to create vaults of the future. I wish Vault Tec would let me send them some dwellers and supplies, but meh...

Cripes, now a friggin Molerat invasion through one of my lower empty storerooms. Hope they don't spread to far. I'll keep an eye on that one.

So this vault.. Well, I had it at 68 dwellers with 3 Legends when the DCs first showed up. Had just gotten my first Nuc Reactor. Been training my main production staff in their right Specials, along with a bit of Luck here and there. At about the same time, I found out that Vault Tec had a business on my Main Computer Interface. Something called Bethesda Forums.. Believe me, I spend days reading all the thoughts out there from other overseers. Pick one here, one there, and wow, that guy is thinking, there. Well, what I've learned, is that 'Yes, Virginia, Vaults ARE Experiments.' And mine is no difference. Vault Tec makes more caps that way.

Funny I didn't see it before. The HR guy said, "Rat, we'll give 4-5 dwellers to start your vault. After that it's up to you. But don't get too attached to your first dwellers. These ones may not live long. Learn how to pick and choose. Make the right decisions. Watch the wastelands, because you never know who or what will show up from out there. Oh, and if you need a bit of help, Don't Call. Don't write. Hit that button on your screen, and start another vault. Or hit that other button, and buy 'Vault Tec Lunchboxes', with a chance at a "RARE" something.. But remember, that vault you kill off, all it's dwellers, and all it's supplies, are gone forever. Think of it as your very own 'mini-nuke'.. " but like I said, I didn't even think about it back then.

So I got Cromwell, of Megaton Church of the Atom, in my first three lunchboxes (LBs from here on out), along with a nice gun. Sent him out scavenging, and he's never really stopped. I haven't yet spent for LBs, but have received a few from different objectives Vault Tec (VT) has thrown at me. Along with Crom, I've also gotten Lucas Simms, sheriff of Megaton, the the Android Harkness from Rivit City, and 2, yes 2, Wild Bill Burkes. who knew they were twins. They've been scavenging all over the Midwest, and brought me back a few rare weapons and armor. No legendary. A couple even make it to the NG armory at times. The rest of my crew, I've been training in a Special and Luck, sending them to rooms, and telling them, "Start producing. No coffee breaks. This is 24/7." And surprisingly enough, they haven't rebelled.

Well, after much thought, I've realized I have to 'change things up' in the vault. And hopefully, Vault Tec won't throw me for a loop, the next time they 'upgrade' their intranet.

Slowly for the last few days, I've doing something that sorta rankles my socks. I've been sending dwellers out into the wastes, hoping they'll find some town or other place to settle. Why you might ask? To make room for the Eds.. And Edwinas. My 'future' dwellers. I've dropped down to 59 dwellers, and glad to have the DCs off my back. Then I find the worst producers, and send them out. Unfortunately, because their PipBoys are still tied to mine, I know none of them has found that safe spot. They've all died in the wastes. And I even gave them all weapons and armor.

So when I have an opening, I either turn on the radio for half a day, or tell some lady to have a kid. Speaking of ladies, out of 25 or so, only one is blond. Weird.. When I find that new dweller, I name them Ed (or Edwina) and send to 'E' training. I've also been training a few older dwellers, L5-L10, hoping they'll turn into Security 'backups'.

The vault is now 8 levels deep, with the top floor being the 2wide Reactor, followed by a 3wide Reactor, all 6 dwellers L25-35, with Military dress and assorted Lasar and Sniper rifles. Attackers then have to double back for now, to the main elevator. But Raiders don't ever leave the 1st room. I've got about 300k caps, and am starting to re-shuffle the deck of rooms. Seems like a game of 'tragic' at times..

Damn, not another Raider attack.. They are now coming in batches of 4, all with Lasar pistols. Wish they'd drop one once in a while. All they do is eat my food, drink my water, and waste energy when they're here. Oh, and steal my caps, and waste stims.

I've now got 6 L1 dwellers training, with an E of 7-8, and wearing small Wasteland Outfits, armed with Rusty Lasar Pistols. Soon I'll send them to the wastes to start leveling up. Then back for a bit-o-luck training, and we'll test them out in security. Until then, I've got to find about 4-5 more dwellers to 'send to the wasteland'.

If you'd like to hear more from this vault, let me know. For now, so long from the northland. And sorry, didn't realize it was so long of a ramble.
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