As the Overseer of Vault 120, I send this message out onto the wasteland and hope for a response from remaining Overseers and their vault. I would like to start out by saying I hope you have had an easy time with the new threats of Deathclaws and Mole rats.
Here is some information I am willing to release in hopes it may better your vaults survival.
I usually send two dwellers out around the same time with maximum amount of stimpacks and radways. Within a day or so no rare or legendary items are found. After about two days in the Wasteland, low-profile, rare weapons are found. The dwellers out exploring have trained to do so with 10 points in all Special status records. Currently I recalled one of the two due to low health. The second explorer is fitted with T-45f power armor and a Fatman as armament. With a current time of 32 hours and still full stimpacks and radaway I'll post an update on how the second explorer is doing and what they find.
Please respond to this message and describe what you send a dweller out with and what stats they have. Any detail you can spare will matter greatly.
God speed to you all.