I've noticed most of the unique dwellers are from Fallout 3. While this is fine and all, I wouldn't mind seeing dwellers from other games. Anyone else?
Marcus. If any super mutant deserves to be in the vault it should be him. He was a sheriff for a town of humans and super mutants! Fawks is cool, but he didn't start the human/Super Mutant peace.
Goris. The best way to fight deathclaws is to have a deathclaw guard. Am I right? (Unequipable weapon of 'deathclaw hand' same with armor)
Harold. Because it's Harold and he was awesome.
Decker. No particular reason other than he was voiced by Keith David.
Killian Darkwater. Voiced by MacGyver. Need I say more?
Maybe some New Vegas peeps as well (haven't actually played F:NV). Thoughts?