Currently, I have 51 Dwellers, 2 power stations that are 3 rooms wide and fully upgraded. However, its gotten to a point where I'm continually running low on power. I have enough dwellers producing power but the marker that the power reserves has to be passed is so close to full that I keep not having enough power. When I have my phone on and I'm able to push to collect the power, I am able to maintain above the necessary power to keep running, but when I shut the game off(by that, I mean exit out of it completely) and come back to the game later, I am below the threshold. I think the amount of power that I require to keep running is 500 and I have a total of 600 power reserves. Do I have to build another Power Generator? I know that will increase my maximum power and I know that I don't need to have somebody operating the power room because my maximum power will be increased either way. I do prefer to have people operating each room because that means that if Molerats attack, there's somebody in there to fend them off until I can get some other Dwellers in there to help(as opposed to not making it there in time, and they start spreading throughout my Vault). Should I destroy some of my rooms or something? I feel like I'm doing SOMETHING wrong.