Why are there mr.handy boxes in some of my full upgraded 3 room expanded storage rooms but not all of them? They are all identical besides this one detail. 4 out of like 20 storage rooms have this quirk. There's also no way to access them as far as I know, I've tried sending other dwellers in there and sending me handy in there and tapping the hell out of it but nothing works.
In storage rooms they show up because you bought them/got one from a lunchbox.
For instance, if you have 5 Mr Handy's, you should find that in 5 storage rooms there is a box. It's just a fun little thing they put in the game I guess..
The boxes are just for the look, the rooms doesn't have to be identical, wait, are you saying you're trying to tap the boxes? the boxes is just for the look, it means nothing.
Edit: Yeah Pj3r is right, I bought 3 Mr.Handy and I have 3 boxes