- Haloween decorations (living room and restaurant) and outfits. Awesome!
- Dwellers will automaticaly return to vault when they get maximum amount of items outside of vault. (this one i do not like as much, i would like better if they automatically drop worse items and pickup better ones)
- Raiders can finally be looted! (Just tap their corpses)
- Deathclaw attacks do not happen so often (It did not bothered me as much but some players were not happy when DCs attacked them, so it is probably good change)
- Objectives do not reward Lunchboxes so often. (not surprisingly i do not like it)
- Statistics! (new card in weapons/outfits menu). It looks like i have done a little holocaust out in the wasteland, after 72:20hrs of playing, my dwellers killed 29503 creatures which is a lot!
- Mysterious stranger - He just stands in background of random room and disappears after short time, if you spot him and tap him, you will be rewarded in caps and xp
- Survival mode. Had anyone of you tried it? I did not so far so info will be appreciated.
- Cloud saves (You must enable this option in vault list)
- You can skip tutorial when you start new vault.
Anyway, i am very happy that Bethesda continues to support this great little mobile game. I hope there will be more updates with more weapons, outfits, rooms, objectives etc. Great work Bethesda!
Is there something that i did not noticed yet? What is your experience? How do you like new things? I had not experienced purchase problems in earlier version. Was it patched for those of you who had problems with that?