I recently took a break from Skyrim, and bought Oblivion to try. I'm really liking all the quirky quests, but after closing half a dozen or so Oblivion Gates, I'm starting to find them tedious! It seems like every time I turn around to go explore something, there's another dang gate that I need to deal with!
I'm about half way through the allys for Bruma quest, and I'm wondering if I dare take a break from all these gates, and go do some dungeon crawling? I'm assuming, that whatever fate might befall Bruma, Martin, and the rest of the gang will be on hold until I return?
I guess it speaks to how much I get into the role playing, that I'm getting this rushed feeling like I have to save the world NOW by completing the main quest line. Unfortunately, it's starting to detract from the fun of the rest of the game! I just have this sinking feeling, that if I go play in the wilderness, I'll finally return to the temple and find disaster has struck because I took too long!