Hi im new to posting on the forums here but i wanted to mention something that kind of makes me irritated. I want to mention that i wish that when you become Sheogorath, since the original dies and you take his throne, there should be much more to do because I find it very boring just sitting on your throne and ridding settlements of the various monsters found in the Isles. Now i know that it takes a lot of development in the computer system just to make a world as big as the Shivering Isles but i kind of wish that there was things like being able to design your castle and being above the law and not have to pay reparations for your crimes, btw i have ps3 so i cant use mods and im mentioning this for 360 and ps3, I also think that there should be more kinds of entertainment for your character to watch as the madgod like a juggler or acrobat i also think that you should be able to choose the different kind of weather patterns instead of just casting the control weather spell which only gives you a random pattern of weather and you can only cast it one time every day. So thats all i have to say so far but please give me your feedback, and ideas as well, it would be much appreciated.