Fallout:New Vegas has everything that I expected from the game, fun combat, great exploration, deep roleplaying, loot, and a wonderful setting but what the game failed to capitalize on in my opinion was the true Vegas feel that they were shooting for; thus enter
The Strip Enhancement Mod
I came up with these ideas after feeling a bit bored in my first few go rounds in the Strip and eventually found it more of a hassle than a fun change of pace from the wasteland. These gameplay changes could really enhance the player's immersion and fun factor. So here they are
-Quests: Quest mod's are often some of the best mod's done by the Bethesda modding community, i am confident someone can come up with the some deep and intriguing quests that take place in the Strip.
- Drug and Alcohol Effects: Sure the stat changes are a nice touch and the addiction can hinder progress if not dealt with but other than some stat boosters what reason does your character have for drinking or doing drugs. It would be nice if our character's could fall under the influence and become inebriated. Alcohol could result in staggering around, vomiting, blurred vision, unique dialogue choices, as well as having negative impacts post-intoxication where your character could enter a hangover like state (similar to the way the game handles head injuries) or special random events that occur because of your poor choices, ( lost items, maybe some quests related to your drinking adventures). Also there should be more drug side effects, these could include a bullet time like state, a euphoria state where colors are crazy, blurred vision, random encounters, hallucinations, if your addicted your senses should be a little more screwed up, perhaps you attack a allied town because you think they are a group of disguised Deathclaws. In my opinion the drug and alcohol culture of Vegas, both pre and post war should be a little more rampant than it is.
- Music: New radio stations, maybe a new one for the Ultra Luxe that plays only classical tunes or at least additional songs played through the loudspeakers of the streets.
- NPC's: There should be more unique NPC's roaming about, some could be conniving thieves, low class hustlers, or politicians from the NCR. The various families should also have a more imposing presence, GTA San Andreas had a debt system where if you had lost too much money in a certain casino the owners would come after you.
- Casino Games: Roulette, Blackjack and Slots are fun, but some basic Las Vegas staples are missing, where are the poker tables with NPC opponents ( mayb different rule sets for each casino's tables).
Im sure there are more games that could be concuted using the GECK. Again this is just an idea not actually sure if your able to modify the Gambling mini games in the GECK, it could also be extremely difficult.
- Buildings: Give The Strip some merchants or at least some skeezy back alley bar's. The Strip should feel like a glamorous place filled with unglamorous things , with the bright lights hiding brothels, drug addicts, and weapons dealers.
This is just my humble opinion on what would make The Strip so much more immersive and fun to role-play in please feel free to add some opinions below ( i am sure that if you wander through the Strip tonight you will find something that could use a bit of improving), and thank you to the modders who read this and who work so hard to add hundreds of hours of free enjoyment to these games.