Just thought I'd share a character build I've been playing with that's proven to be a lot of fun. Basically, my Imperial, Valentino, was level 40 when I decided to make the switch to this new build. I saved before of course in case it didn't work, and it was VERY difficult to try and do this from the get go.
Basically I used the Restoration Loop to make my bow freakishly powerful. Most human-sized NPC's will go down in one hit, a dragon maybe 10 depending on the breed. The catch however is that my armour has not been smithed at all and I'm playing on Legendary difficulty. So basically I can one-hit and be one-hit in return. It makes the gameplay a lot more tense, and nothing is more satisfying than manning the gates of Whiterun and picking off Stormcloaks with the thrill of knowing that all it would take is a single stray arrow to take me out of the fight, too
Has anyone else tried this? If not I highly recommend. PC players will have mods and such so they won't need to go to my lengths, but it's still fun regardless!