I haven't played the game in a while and there's a reason for that. The GD Pip-Boy bug!!! I had forgotten all about it until I felt like playing today and as soon as I went to open my Pip-Boy while not in Power Armor I got reminded of why I stopped playing.
WHAT THE HELL!?!?!? Is Beth going to fix this friggin' bug? It's actually game breaking. If you don't know what I'm talking about it's the bug where your Pip-Boy disappears. Yeah, disappears. Like it's not there. You try to open it and it's just a blurred out screen. Your arm doesn't even come up. But you can open your Pip-Boy if your in power armor.
I've tried all the fixes that are listen online. Workshop, third person, player.inv, I've even removed all the power armor frames, hell one of the damn fixes had you remove all you had in your inventory and put it in a container. My f#&(& character is now naked because I can't put F&*$*& clothes on!!. Nothing works. As a last resort I'm downloading a mod that adds a different Pip-Boy. Hopefully this works. I doubt it.
So, Beth, are you going to fix this?