"Weaponless" Nightblade Build Optimisation

Post » Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:29 am

I'm preparing a playthrough with a Nightblade, and was wondering how to best optimise the class for a slightly greater emphasis on stealthy magic - particularly the use of Bound Weapons, so that I can wander around being all harmless and without a weapon, honest guv. I would also like to rise up in House Hlaalu.

Note that I'm running GCD, so leveling isn't so much of a concern.

I had considered the following:

Birthsign: Atronarch (got to love the free top-ups at shrines), although I had heard of the Lady being good for stealth characters.

Specialisation: Magic

Favoured Attributes: [Personality/Agility?], Willpower

Major: Alteration, Illusion, Speechcraft, Sneak, Security

Minor: Destruction, Conjuration, Light Armour, Mercantile, Mysticism

Any suggestions and tweaks would be awesome.

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