Tesla Science Magazine
...has no effect at critical damage at all. The Perks condition hasKeyword DamageTypeEnergy [KYWD:0004A0CB] is never true as no weapon has the keyword.
Test setup:
* a Laser Pistol with 30 base damage
* a NPC with 0 energy resistance (mama murphy)
* Tesla Science rank 2
* no other critical damage modifiers
If i shoot at the NPC and get the damage done with getav health the pistol does 60 damage, but it should do 63 ( 30 + 30 * 1.1 )
Now i created a mod and changed the condition from DamageTypeEnergy [KYWD:0004A0CB] to dn_weap_EnergyGun [KYWD:0003E208]. After shooting the NPC again the pistol now did 63 damage as it should.