..from a deathclaw. Greentop Nursery, the one with lots of mutfruits. (More Importantly, why does the spell checker says I spelled Mutfruit wrong on this forum. )
It was a turret I built at like level 5 and then went whatever, I don't know how good this turret will be and then left. And on that particular I needed more mutfruits for vegetable starch to turn into adhesive. I fast travel there, All of suddenly, settlers screaming and bullets flying and I'm looking at a deathclaw making a beeline at me, completely frontal attack. I raise my combat rifle and threw few ineffective rounds into it, I was completely unprepared for it at level 30. What saved me was the missile turret I went out of my way to build for [censored] and giggles at level 5.
This thing, really. Fired like a missile every nanosecond and tore deathclaw up. I was like, damn. Who would've thunk something I built randomly long time ago would save me from unexpected death one day.