So they're making this survival mode for Fallout 4 which sounds similar to New Vegas's hardcoe mode. Would you want something like that for Skyrim?
Or is there something like that for Skyrim (offical)?
So they're making this survival mode for Fallout 4 which sounds similar to New Vegas's hardcoe mode. Would you want something like that for Skyrim?
Or is there something like that for Skyrim (offical)?
Other then the no manual saving (Skyrim is far too unstable to rely on autosaving alone), I'd like it. There are mods that add mechanics like it, but nothing official.
I don't need the whole silly adrenalin thing and the saving sleeping just svcks.
As mentioned, anything new for Skyrim will likely not be made at this point. However it's not to say that or a similar official gameplay mechanic for a future TES game would be unwelcomed. There is already a mod for Skyrim and I imagine other such mods. Having to actually eat and sleep in game to maintain your character's combat prowess at max efficiency, stay warm, etc would be interesting gameplay mechanics. Mix in an option to remove quest markers (provided enough quest information is given to go on) and fast travel icons from the compass would also be nice. Not sure if I would enjoy that without being able to save my game when I choose or having enemy difficulty increased.
Maybe have survival mode set as more of a mechanic than a difficulty level. Sure it can add some difficulty, but I don't like artificial handicaps put on my games. Such as the "catch up" setting you find in some racing games. Your car's performance shouldn't be artificially gimped from its actual stats or character shouldn't have to tie a hand behind their back just to artificially inflate the difficulty. More survival type gameplay mechanics yes, but separate from the difficulty setting itself. If people want they'll adjust the difficulty for themselves already as it is.
Yes, this. Between Frostfall and the various needs and diseases mods, Skyrim on the pc is covered for survival mode. Bethesda isn't doing anything else with it, so I don't speculate.
In the absence of an official survival mode I’ve been able to put together mods to make my own to use when it’s character-appropriate. I doubt that I would use an official survival mode in my PS3 games if one had been released on that platform. The issue is limited saves. Battling bugs and game freezing is hardcoe enough.
Knowing that all ( console ) content for Skyrim is at an end, yes I would have liked a "survival mode"...but not the no save, game is to buggy, glitchy or whatever... I would find it extremely aggravating to have no saves and the game to freeze or a quest to "glitch" and the need to find a non-corrupted save...OH saves....
. My 360 wouldn't survive. ( not that it's not dead already...YKWIM )
For Now Mod's work... But as Rick said... we have our Nekkid Nord Runs... in the DiD competition thread, everyone is invited to join our next run... head over and take a look.
We've got probably better versions with mods without any of that super braindead " no save" nonsense. Stupidest idea for this sort of game in the history of stupid ideas.
I find it interesting that many of you brought up the no manual save thing. I think its a bad idea too. There's a poll over on the F4 board and most people don't want it so I'm betting they'll scrap the idea or allow you to toggle it off. I don't think I would play with it on. I get killed a lot especially in dungeons, and have to start the whole thing again. No thanks.
Not too fussed about the adrenaline thing either.
I really like the basic needs idea, and I roleplay that already. I think ammo weight is something that should be in the game already. And I'm hoping the healing mechanics will be changed so you can't gain health from drinking water and eating.
You can still save, but only when you find a good bed to sleep in according to the FO4 Reddit post I linked above
I mean in terms of official content in future TES games
Yes I absolutely do.
As official content.
Ick. No. I personally HATE that sort of thing. As long as it's optional, I don't care if it's included. But the minute it's a requirement, I'm out of there.
I haven't follow FO4 closely since it has voiced PC dialog I am not going to buy it. But I will chime in my two cents here that limiting the player's ability to save seems like something best reserved for games like Dark Souls and Borderlands.
Back when I played on Xbox, I would have enjoyed some sort of official eat/drink/sleep options, but that ship has sailed.
Now, with mods like Frostfall, Hypothermia, Realistic Needs and Diseases, iNeed, and many others (including Immersive Ingestibles), PC Skyrim players have a plethora of options for "survival" that are better than anything that Bethesda is likely to design.
LOL.... I'm with you on the "optional"... as much as I like RP'ing some characters with Frostfall... Most of my Dovahkiin's would freeze to death in the heat of battle....