Game setting EssentialDeathTime and console resurrect

Post » Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:26 am

Fiddling around with Fallout 4 there are some issues that seem different than the past, ie Fallout 3:

fEssentialDeathTime: Set for 10 Fallout 3 (10.0000)

fEssentialDeathTime: Set for 20 Fallout 4 (20.0000 )

Not sure it does anything in Fallout 4. If I change to 200.000, or 90.000, observing a caravan fight mutants, the guards are K'Oed, but regardless of time set, seem to get up right away, within 10 seconds. Thinking the caravan personnel are running different (maybe controlled by script setting their "down time" after KO, I observed my companions. The dog seemed to stay down, struggling to get up during the allotted period of time but I heard he stays down the duration of the fight, but not under attack until he did get up, but the floating Swiss army knife got up right away (though he was not an active follower at that time). Companion observation has not been done extensively, however.

Question is for EssentialDeathTime, for essential NPCs, extending that time of unconsciousness, is there some other consideration that needs to be looked at?

Resurrect (console command)

Resurrection ie console command resurrect either :


resurrect 1

resurrect 2

Seems unreliable in Fallout 4, works sometimes, does nothing other times. In Fallout 4 adding 1 or 0 seems to make no difference, either the body gets up and if it does, if maimed will retain its injuries.

I was experimenting with a ghoul I found and could not get it to resurrect. Same with settler bodies I ran across in the game world. However I encountered a dead bloatfly and was able to resurrect it and its dismembered corpse attacked. If I use disable then enable, (exit the console after each command) the bloatfly might reconstitute itself into its normal form. In some instances, it reconstituted and could not move from its spot though attacked .

The ghoul when disabled (console command disable ) disappeared. When enabled (console command

enable ) it reappeared, however its inventory had been reset. Resurrect of any flavor ( resurrect, resurrect 1 resurrect 2), did not work.

For resurrect is the as well some other consideration not being explored in Fallout 4?

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