Hey quick question: for some reason now I can't shoot *anything* - VATS always tells me I have zero chance of hitting something (even though say the body part says 95); I'm at level 24, am the general, have the same setup I've always had - -in the power armor with the additional arm / leg / chest pieces that would boost me up (ie champion arm, wastlander leg etc) -- but can only beat things down! This is raiders, mutants, ghouls, dogs, mireluks, the whole deal. What's weird is when I use VATS it seems to first point to the ground and then do a small glide up to point at whatever my target would be rather than an immediate point. I'm on PS4 and really don't want to have to start over; next I'll try slowly going back to previous saves but... yeeeesh. Is there something I'm missing?