I fully expect some negative views on this case as I myself can see them almost instantly.
First off, who said there was a "problem" to solve? Well, there isn't... in the gaming industry it's a luxury which means it progenerates it's own problems from people rather than solving a real problem that already exists. Philosophy over.
My solution comes from a solution that was created long ago at, almost the dawn of gaming. How does one measure the success of multiple people on, generally, the same medium?
High scores.
Theoretical: (assuming each player completes every radiant and main quests, a well as commiting 0 murders)
So let's say Fred completes Fallout 4 on easy mode. He gets a score of 1,000,000 as flat score (people like lots of 0's)
Daphne, on medium, gets 2,000,000.
and so on.
Finally, Gravy is playing on hardcoe mode. He has a checklist of features he wants to have to augment his gaming experience. All of which, influence towards his final high score. Removing fast travel restrictions multiplies his score by 0.80. This means his theoretical maximum score is reduced straight off the bat.
"How does this solve anything?" I hear your mind echo in its own thoughts.
It means that the "casual" gamer designs their own game to play and the "hard core" gamers can keep their bragging rights as such with a numerical value they will undoubtedly remind every one of.
So, thoughts? Lack of? Give 'em, I want 'em.