You seriously find the fact that your rp is slightly "ruined", to be a huge problem?
I think it's about as huge a problem as your no-jungle-cyrodiil problem.
What? I suggest there be a fast travel system that utilises magic, and allows fallout 3 style fast travel.
Then I really don't get what your problem is with me.
No. The snow was the only real difference I saw. There where slight retextures, but nothing more. I didn't realise that blackwood was a swamp until I read it up. Compare it to the difference between the Bitter Coast and the Grazelands, and You'll know what I mean.
I did, it's not just slight retextures, the trees a not the same, as in, height, branch spread style, texture, and general shape. I don't care how different the bitter coast is to the grazelands. This does not make Cyrodiil landscape the same.
:rolleyes: The same as always... this hardly gives a reason to actually see the landscape.
What was it you said...something about miniscule problems, and something about not fitting tiny bit of gaming needs...
What annoys me most is the fact that Oblivion/Fallouts fast travel system is so easy to mod in, and there would be nothing detracted from the game, whereas Morrowind's system would be harder to mod in, and we would still the what fast travel detracts from.
No modding on 360, and mods shouldn't really be for fixes.