» Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:39 am
It's the Institute of Technology. The DNA would have been for study purposes.
They already will have had human DNA for centuries, and studied it as best they could. They 'almost' figured out the entire blueprint, yet they knew that without access to a 'pure' specimen, impurities they know are there due to radiation could never be pinned down and eliminated. Shaun's DNA was the final key.
It's clear Shaun's DNA wasn't used verbatim except in one unique case. No other synth resembles Shaun in the slightest - indeed it's likely the Institute is still replacing living beings with synths at this time. In those cases, a hybrid of the victim and Shaun's DNA is the most probable result. Just like you'd sew a fabric patch on a torn teddy bear Shaun's DNA merely fills in the cracks in the victim's DNA code making the replicated flesh much more durable and resiliant over long periods thanks to the weakening effect being overwritten.
So the synths are about as related to the SS as someone he'd given a blood transfusion to, or his parents had donated an organ to after death figuratively speaking.
And 'incist' exists for one reason and one reason only - to prevent stagnation and reduction of the genepool, and therefore the damaging side effects in children born with damaged or mutated DNA, which can occur more often in cases where both parents have similar DNA. Because, in 2016, we lack free access to any way of knowing that the girl you met does not randomly happen to have 99% identical DNA (which is rare but CAN happen, there have been cases in the US where crimes have lead to two or more unrelated people in a small area all having DNA matching a crime scene sample - wierd but true) we just forbid copulation with 'immediate' family - cousins for example are not considered to be 'at risk' and are usually perfectly legal.
But that's humans.
Synths resemble humans mainly to fit in, including the ability to copulate. As it's not unusual for humans to simply never produce children for dozens of reasons, their ability to impregnate or get pregnant is unimportant and any visible aspect is likely a facade ie. a female synth never gets pregnant, and a male synth may appear to have sterility issues - but as either parent could be the reason why a child doesn't 'happen' it's rarely investigated in the post nuclear world, especially as radiation may be a very common cause.
So 'mating' with a synth isn't incist as there's no risk of a child.
And in the post nuclear world which has many settlements with a limited gene pool, their choice is literally inbreed or die out - not such a hard moral choice considering radiation is already causing way more damage and mutation than inbreeding ever could.