wtf? How can you have trouble finding wood? Just pick ueverything that contains wood up when you're out on missions and then scrap them.... go to trader/general traders and buy up all the crap containing wood.... and obviously the people that sell wood has been mentioned. I pick up wood no matter what when I'm out. Pencils and clip boards are awesome cuz they weigh nearly nothing, screw drivers are EVERYWHERE... wood and steel right there, brooms, mops, toy blocks, toy cars, test tube racks, baseball bats, boards, chess boards... there's more but I cant name them all.... you'll only run out of wood if you're building sky scraqers in your settlements with pointless rooms such as a night club and then you spend all your time doing this while never venturing out into the game. This game is built as a survival game, not minecraft. You have to go out and scavenge if you want resources to build up your settlements. Also, having all of your settlements connected via provisioners helps make things less painful so you can just go to your nearest settlement and drop off all your junk, scrap it, then be back on your way to the next quest. If that is not enough, bring a follower with you and just have then pick everything up (point and command followers to pick items up and they will never run out of space). There's no way to run out of supplis unless you're lazy or treating the game like the sims.
Someone mentioned adhesive being rare.... what? Adhesive is everywhere. I find different forms of glue EVERYWHERE and Duck tape seems to grown on trees in this game. Both items are super light weight as well. wtf is wrong with people...