Screwed up The Molecular Level (I think?)

Post » Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:40 pm

Hey folks,

So last night I did something maybe stupid . . . while building the molecular relay stuff at Boston Airport with the Brotherhood, I got it into my head to build two of each of the components so I could rebuild for some high-tech Airport decoration after completing the quest and frying the system as usual (since there's not much else the Airport location is good for). I believe I saw someone in a random thread say you can do this, but I (clearly) didn't look into it at all to confirm.

Trouble appears to be that even after connecting the components and turning them on, the game seems to get confused about which of the components are the "right" ones and basically the quest gets stuck at "Fire up the system." I've tried different combinations of the components, and notice that sometimes I can't even store them in the workshop, leaving me with an awful mess that is only compounded by the fact that I somehow lost a save from right before building that means I'm going to lose 2.5 hours of play if I can't make this work.

Any ideas here from anyone who's maybe tried building duplicate components like this? Much obliged!

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Roy Harris
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 8:00 am

Did you store any components? If you did you'll need to place them and hook them up to the same grid

If that doesn't work try hooking up extra wire, they can be buggy sometimes
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claire ley
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:21 am

Thanks. I initially tried storing the duplicate components, but that didn't work -- for instance, when I stored the second platform, the game reset the quest marker on it and told me to "Build the platform," even though there was one right there, seemingly operational. I even tried firing up both systems at the same time, such that I had 6 large generators on two grids running two systems. The "electricity" seemed to work (i.e. the thing fired up visually), but the quest still wouldn't proceed. Now I can't even store (or scrap) anything.

EDIT: Actually, at one point I managed to store both sets and place them again, but that also didn't work.

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Luis Reyma
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:01 am

Alright, well, solved. Having already done this quest three times without a problem, I'm not sure if this "solution" was the way it's supposed to work anyway as I simply don't recall.

Anyway, not only is everything on the same "grid" (as usual), I also wired each of the relay dish and the signal interceptor directly to the console, so that it's something like the equivalent of a parallel circuit, rather than just series. (I don't believe these principles work in the game the way they do in real life, but it appears to have done the trick here.)

Thankfully. My previous save, I'm somewhere in Greentech still hunting the Courser for his chip and I also spent some of that 2.5 hours building at Spectacle Island. :tops:


HOWEVER . . . placing the duplicate components back on the ground before talking to Maxson screws it all up again. I guess I'll just have to see if they're still there in the Workshop after the fact; if not, at least I've only wasted building components, rather than my time. LOL.

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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 12:36 am

after completion they cannot be placed, only moved.
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:48 am

So, are you saying you've actually built two of everything and managed to complete the quest? (I appreciate your responses, but this is not clear.)

Besides, I wouldn't normally expect them to be there, since exactly like Mama Murphy's chair (though not the Artillery), the "special" workshop menu for them goes away upon quest completion. That's totally cool by me, and I'll gladly sacrifice the wasted building components for the sake of the 2.5 hours of my life I spent getting to this point.

However, I would like to make this happen if it is in fact possible, but nothing I've tried has worked.

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Jade Payton
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:10 am

Yes, I made extras. 4 dishes and 5 consoles, scrapped all the burned out parts. Someone on here said they build one at 3 different settlements, not sure how that works though.

I think you're onto something wiring everything to the console. When I did it I wired everything to everything, that'll show em.
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jadie kell
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 8:09 am

Ok, so, just reading back over the chat here . . . You're saying you built multiples and hooked EVERYTHING up to a single grid that (obviously) could power it all (so that the Power status is not red)? And then that, when you used it, some of the stuff burned out but some didn't?

Because that I did not try. At one point, I had two complete systems running on two separate grids . . .and I'll tell you, the game freaked right out over that. LOL. Those little status indicators were everywhere, and they were literally bouncing. :chaos:

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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:17 am

Correct. And yes, 1 of each item will burn out
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:28 pm

Much obliged for confirming. I'd gone ahead and done it earlier, and sure enough. Wild stuff, man. LOL.

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