I'm so sick to death of waiting for GAME BREAKING BUGS to be fixed it's untrue, I have completed everything in the game but cannot progress because of damn underground undercover. I'm not posting in the PS2 thread because no-one from bethesda is responding. Nov........ damn nov, I have been waiting for this fix. Yet you find the time to release your DLC in april. How about you fix the hundreds of problems people have been having with this game.
As a consumer if I purchase something and it doesn't work I can return it. Sadly with games we can't but you have your money and I'm left with a terrible product.
I'm done, I personally won't be getting your DLC content and won't be purchasing any more bethesda products. Ridiculous. what sad is other will still purchase the content, so you'll never learn, you'll just keep launching sub par products. We had these same issues with Fallout 3/New Vegas.
NOTE: no save game fixes the issue. or 2nd / 3rd play through.