A DLC in which SS becomes stranded on an island and wakes up in a beautiful pre-War quality island-mansion inhabited by two ghouls. One slim roguish, silver tongued with great hair and a unique white pinstriped suit with a red bow-tie and spectacles the other a large brute with a leather vest, jeans and cowboy boots.
They feed you and nurture you back to health. They inform you that they were big-game hunters before the war but now they hunt more dangerous prey. Humans. They're very polite and sporting.
Your inventory is empty and all of your things are in a chest in the main room. You're allowed to select one piece of clothing, one firearm and one melee weapon. No stimpaks, radaway or rad-x. They give you a 5 minute head start before coming after you.
The whole island is riddled with traps and deadly big-game beasts, such as Yao-Guai, Death Claws, Rad Scorpions and new never before seen mutant beasts. Even a unique behemoth or two.
The island would include two followers, a Nightkin named Keris. Melee + Stealth and a female pre-war ghoul named Clementine who has a pension for technology. She can hack inactive robots and prefers energy weapons.
Unique weaponry on the island would include Longbows, Spears, Dart Guns, Stone Tomahawks, Stone Daggers and possibly more.
The island would be large enough to include a few settlements once you escape the initial area. Until the two abductors are defeated, you will routinely be ambushed by ghoul henchmen who will attempt to poison the SS with dart-guns and bring them back to the hunting grounds.
There could also be some ghoul tribesmen, essentially savages who became ghoulified. They would be the acting "Raiders" on this island and would carry Tribal Armor, which is roughly equivalent to Raider Armor. The Henchmen would be similar to Gunners and carry something to the effect of Combat Armor but with slightly different stats and a varying appearance.
Open to ideas. What do you think?
EDIT: You would also have the ability to break back into the Mansion (after killing the two main hunters) and retrieve your old gear from the chest, of course.