3 ideas for future updates

Post » Sat Mar 19, 2016 6:10 pm

- add a minigame; very often I find my self motivated to play but there is absolutely nothing to do... Maybe give some options to influence the actions of the explorer (possibly positive and negative outcome)

- allow selling packs of junk (10 per click); i could imagine many people try to keep a good amount of junk but it's currently annoying to keep it at a specific level; maybe you could even set how many you want to store and the rest can be sold on collecting as 'sell common items'

- allow fast travel back vs coins or something else; none of my dwellers die since the upgrade so they all fairly leave and come back at the same time. Total journey takes around 4.5 days. If objectives for collecting items come up, it gets annoying to wait for them to come back. Possibly a legendary pet that allows a dweller to come back instantly

Sry for typos, typed on my phone
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Manuel rivera
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