Close Combat Poll

Post » Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:14 am

I'm trying to figure out if people who regularly do melee or fighting prefer to use 3rd or first person? In my rare uses of melee, I generally find blocking is easier in first person but overall fighting is easier in 3rd. So what viewpoint do veterans use, and a few other questions...

P.S. I just got Kremvhs tooth and its quite satisfying...

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Claudia Cook
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Post » Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:55 pm

Ok for Kremvhs Tooth remember that its effect comes from the attachment and not the weapon itself IIRC so you can take the mod off and put it on another legendary machete. There are places you can farm (save scum its been described as) if you are intent on using that weapon. Try the Croup Manor Basemant, Railroad church or National Guard training yard.

Personally I go unarmed-1st person-medium speed-furious death claw gauntlet, Its a pretty solid weapon.

I've heard good things about rippers (hand chain saws) as these can be used to keep ghouls at bay when they're lunging at you and if you get a wounding one (target bleeds) you'll tear through pretty much anything in the game in seconds. I've not tested it myself but I've been told the sentinel (take less damage when standing still) also applies when in VATS. You can take several perks which also increase your damage resistance when sprinting and standing still so when combined with decent armour and a sentinel close combat weapon you'll take very little damage indeed.

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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2016 5:49 am

I do not know why, but I cannot get into melee-range characters in any sci-fi games, unless the weapon is a shotgun. Just makes no sense to me to use a knife or any other close range weapon when guns/energy weapons, or other such ranged weapons are involved.

It is much weirder since I have to play a melee fighter in fantasy setting games.

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Lavender Brown
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Post » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:46 pm

I have always liked so-called "unarmed" combat in FO, but in FO4 can anyone say with certainty that melee specific perks also work with fist weapons? (Aside from Big Leagues, that is obvious). They just have not implemented anything very interesting in regards to unarmed weapons in FO4. I really liked the steel knux from the Pitt and Plunkett's Valid Points, as well as every single unarmed weapon in NV, but these weaps in FO4 leave something to be desired.

Regardless, I prefer unarmed anyway because the Paralyzing Palm perk, or the final rank of Iron Fist in FO4, is a pretty powerful thing, plus I generally like the weapons better than "melee" weapons.

Never bring a knife to a gunfight... but BGS have tweaked the rules here a little bit to make it more fair when you specialize with perks and whatnot. I will definitely be more interested in melee and unarmed when the survival mode update comes out and ammo has weight. I don't think combat will be straight up tipped on its axis, but I do want something strong to fall back on just to conserve ammo.

The melee weapons do always have a good reason for existing in the FO universe--improvised tools and cobbled together salvage, high tech stuff, old pre-war weaps from civilians or military.

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