I do not have the permission to post links, but if you are interested in seeing the exact findings go to YouTube, search "elder scrolls nirn size" and it should be a recently uploaded video, by "itspietertime" (me

So I started calculating the size of Nirn and Tamriel, after I read some post on another forum where someone found in the Infernal City book a quote that from Lilmoth (South East Argonia) to its coast it was around 10 miles. as well as an official map if Stros mKai with, particulary handy, its longitude and latitude. however, the poster made two big mistakes: he measured the circumference of Nirn at the wrong latitude, and didn't keep in mind the Mercator projection.
So I started doing my own calculations. I looked up a map of Tamriel where Stros mKai was accurstely represented. to my suprise many official maps didn't portray Stros mKai accurately. so I got an unofficial map, unfortanetaly, but it did got Stros mKai the best.
Then i drawed the longitudes and latitudes of the island further. Measuring the distance between the two longitudes resulted in me being able to measure the longitude of Lilmoth. Then I measured the latitude of Lilmoth and its coast with the use of the comparative method (explained in the video, could elaborate here if you want). So now I knew how much delta longitude 16.1 km (is 10 miles), at that longitude. Then i could calculate the circumference of that longitude, and then I could with a cross comparison with Earth measure Nirn's equator.
With the cirvumference of Nirn, I could calculate its radius. Then I could calculate Nirns surface.
Then, by finding Winterhold's latitude, I pretended Tamriel was a square, and measured the number of "boxes" (there are 360*360 "boxes" on Tamriel), and si could find Tamriels surface. This result suprised me: i didnt know Tamriel was this small. This was so because the devs, I think, made a mistake with Elder Scrolls Redguard its map, by putting Stros mKai at such low latitude.
Anyway, here are the results:
Nirn's circumference: around 16679 km
Nirn's radius: around 5309 km
Nirn's surface: around 354 million square km
Tamriel's surface: around 1.8 million square km (!)