I'm looking forward to all dlcs from Bethesda. One problem with auto, there will be same issues with bots as the same with human companions. You have less control of what they are doing. Sentry bots are kind of slow, but other thing is these Assaultrons. They are very fast and I'm concern of having them downtown meeting all these high ranked gunners and S M. They will be easy target since AI don't tell any companions to back off when heat too much. Companions/bots should have about 3x more health or armor for that matter so they have at least a chance. When Curie firstfight a radscorp something is wrong.... Companions do know how to hide/take cover, that is a good thing, but not always they do that. Anyway, there should be options to all companions, bots or not, "aggresive", "defence" and "follow, but do nothing". They need to protect themselves even they "wait" or "hold position". We have that in Skyrim, but not in FO 4.