I think it's high time Bethesda joined the rest of the gaming world and started using a graphics engine that's actually up to date and not 3-5 years old. I totally understand they want to use their own "Gamebryo" or "Creation" engine because it's something they can call their own, but the sad truth is - it's so terrible. Take for instance Fallout 4 -they used a "modified" version of an already obsolete Creation engine, when they could have used something VASTLY superior in every way (CryEngine 3 or higher comes to mind). Crysis 3 was released almost 3 years prior to Fallout 4, and that had orders of magnitude better graphics and physics.
I don't understand why Bethesda absolutely refuses to adopt a current generation engine instead of using an old, bugged, realism-destroying engine that they just keep updating and citing it as some sort of revolutionary breakthrough when the truth is - it really isn't.
P.S. - Crytek just released CryEngine 5 to the public to use on a donation-based system, so there really is no excuse why something like this can't be used. This is an example of a massively superior technology to the latest Creation engine non-sense.