I think it is Tesla armor. I only got 4 pieces of it. The rest were probably behind that door as I can only open advanced locks and I gave ADA a stealth field to make me more stealthy (which didn't seem to help at all). I also think the current locks mini game is over done and usually gives sad rewards for the effort. It's nice to see the rest of the armor is behind that door. I need it for my collection of power armor I never wear...LOL. Like 12 suits sitting around my showcase at Sanctuary
I really miss Elder Scrolls spells that opened locks, and role playing melee types break it open.
I was so happy when in one place a Raider was using hammers and tools to break open a lock. I sat there in stealth mode and just enjoyed the moment. Sadly we can't seem to do it. But it was nice to see them doing the art work for it. And showing there is more than one way to skin that safe.
Don't get me wrong, safes are great. Mini games are fantastic if done correctly. But always using the same tired lock picking mechanic for all player types is boring and unimaginative. Especially when the Elder Scrolls game used to have those mechanics and the programmers just removed them for no apparent good reason.