Defend Settlement Bug (with video examples)

Post » Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:17 pm

Every now and then when I go to defend a settlement from an attack, I get this weird bug when I speak to a settler after I've successfully defended the settlement.

What happens is when I select a conversation choice after they thank me for my help, the settler walks off and the camera stays stuck on the settler. It's like the conversation never manages to terminate.

Here's an example:

Usually I can fix it by going back to my auto save before I fast traveled to the settlement, redoing the fight, and speaking to a settler again. That's always solved it in the past, but this time I had something else weird happen.

Normally I talk to a settler, they thank me, the defense mission registers as finished and over with, and if I speak to the same settler again or a different settler my character asks to trade items with them. Since that didn't happen I was worried the settlement defense wasn't registering as completed.

The reason I was worried about that was because there was this one time a few months back I defended a settlement from an attack but didn't bother talking to a settler afterwards. I figured I probably didn't need to since you get the 'completed' notification after you kill all the enemies. I figured talking to a settler was just an optional thing you could do if you felt like it. After a couple of fast travels, I got a message saying I failed to defend that settlement even though I'd already gotten the message saying I successfully defended it earlier. I went back to check on the settlement and everything was wrecked. Turrets destroyed, crops ruined. Even though I killed all the enemies and had earlier gotten a notification saying I successfully defended the settlement. The only thing I didn't do was speak with a settler afterwards. Ever since then, I always speak with a settler after I defend a settlement.

So back to the present bug. I went back to the auto save and tried again.

This time the camera freezes. It doesn't follow the settler; it just freezes. The rest of the world is moving, but I'm stuck staring at a brick wall. I can't even move the camera. The only thing I can do is use the pause menu to reload an earlier save again.

So I exit the game completely, re-enter the game, defend the settlement again, I get this bug again,

and I decide to just move on.

I fast traveled and waited a few days, and so far I haven't gotten any message saying I failed to defend the settlement, so I'm going to assume everything's ok now.

This was at Egret Tours Marina, but the first bug

^this one

has happened to me at multiple different settlements.

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Cody Banks
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