Maybe someone can help? One thing that I'm curious about is that pretty quick in the game you see BOS in Vertbirds flying around shooting. They would also often fight at Revere Beach, Revere satellite installation. Anytime I went to Croup manner TWO vertibirds would fly in and have big battles. Lots of attacks, mutants, gunner, raiders, also on Croup manor. For some time I have not seen any activity from BOS other than when I go to croup manor ONE vertibird will fly in. Normally one knight in armor, sometimes two, sometime none. Most of the time they do a roving battle, no winner, with X6-88. I did reach Paladin, and finished the Danse quests. I have not, and don't plane on going any further with BOS. I plan on starting the game over, and wondering what I did, if anything, to cause them to stop flying around and engaging in battles? I use to run into them all the time, but now that doesn't happen (other than Croup).