I've got a script that uses TranslateTo() on the player to move him from the bottom of a platform to the top.
The script works fine but I've run into animation oddities. When the player uses the transporter to go down, everything works fine - I call the "JumpFall" animation on the player, the player goes down nice and smooth.
Going up however, the animation command is ignored when the game's physics system decides that the player has jumped up and collided with the ground. The result is that the player constantly does the "landed on ground" animation on the ascent, which is a little annoying.
If there was a way to disable ALL player animations except the one I'm specifically calling that would be great. Or if there was a way to disable player collision (like the TCL command) so the game isn't operating physics on the player, allowing my animation to go without being interrupted.
SetMotionType doesn't work for this, by the way. I've tried making the player's animations keyframed and the player still does the "falling-landing" animation when being translated upward.