i was thinking it would be cool to have the robots from automaton fight each other just like in wasteland workshop where you can make settlers fight animals
i was thinking it would be cool to have the robots from automaton fight each other just like in wasteland workshop where you can make settlers fight animals
My assumption is that we'll be able to do exactly that once Wasteland Workshop comes out. I think Automatron and Wasteland Workshop are 'joint' DLCs in some respects.
That's truly where all that crazy melee stuff in the 'bot mods will shine-
Cant wait for the youtube vids with battlebot themes and commentary.
I really want them to add more robot and wasteland creature finishiner animations, So far playing automatron I've only seen my robot do one finisher animation the same one from the trailer. I havent seen my assaultron do they finisher where they jump on top of the enemy and use their eye beam to vaporize them at point blank, has any one witnessed their assaultron doing some bad ass kill finisher? The only weapon mods I've got to work with finisher animations for automatrons so far is the stealth blade, I tried the assaultron claws but I havent seen a finisher for those yet
Don't want to burst any bubbles but its probably best not to get our hopes up on this. I was spouting about how good this will be a couple of days ago but then realized we haven't really got enough info about it to think that it will actually let us do that. The only info we have is that we will be able to make caught creatures fight our settlers. Still no word on whether we can make settlers fight against each other or even if custom robots count as settlers in terms of combatants for the DLC.