Hi folks.
Let me just state I'm on Xbox, with that said.......
I was just wondering through Lexington listening to the Classical music channel (chilled out journey) on my pip-boy when a thought occurred to me.
I'd like more music on my pip-boy. Especially classical and rock. Wouldn't it be fun if you could make a play list on your console/pc and play it through your pip-boy. I don't mean like another radio station with a 'voiced' DJ (not that I'd mind of course). I believe there are mods for pc and I'm hoping they come to consoles.
It can get kind of lonely as a Lone Wanderer sometimes when you ain't head shooting a raider or super mutant.
Any way was just wondering what music album or other wise would you play through your pip-boy if you could?
Think I'd like to listen to some Audio Slave or Depeche Mode as I'm rock'in through the Commonwealth.