Hello @ll,
I have quite a small problem. as it seems my Eventhandler "OnMagicEffectHit" doesnt trigger the DISE effect.
I set the eventhandler for the magic effects on the player.
SetEventHandler "OnMagicEffectHit" egmOnMagicEffectHitPlayer ref::Playerref
Then the handler function.
scn egmOnMagicEffectHitPlayer
ref target
ref rMagicEffect
long magicEFF
;egmDebugLevel 63
begin Function { target, magicEFF }
let rMagicEffect := MagicEffectFromCode magicEFF
PrintC "egmOnMagicEffectHitPlayer - Player has been Hit by MAGIC Effect: %i:%n", rMagicEffect, rMagicEffect
if eval (rMagicEffect == FIDG) ;Fire Damage
if (egmDebugLevel == 63)||(egmDebugLevel == 0)
PrintC "egmOnMagicEffectHitPlayer - Player has been Hit by Fire Effect"
call egmFNsetThirstFireDamage 0
if eval (rMagicEffect == DISE) ;Disease <--------------------------
if (egmDebugLevel == 63)||(egmDebugLevel == 0)
PrintC "egmOnMagicEffectHitPlayer - Player has been Hit by Disease Effect"
;call egmFNsetSicknessDisease
But as it seems they do not trigger DISE properly! DISE has FormID 000000 anyway.
the script engine complains in the console it couldnt create the eventlist, etc.
What am I doing wrong? Please help. Thank you.
I have chaged the above question, becuase I managed to make the handler work, just not for the DISE effect.
Is there any reason why?