I come across this picture on Reddit http://i.imgur.com/PQxTHpn.jpg and wanna know someone else thoughts besides me. Does someone things this look better even that the vanilla version?
Dealing with 3D for about 10 years now to me personally it looks like a bad render from some 3D apps without FG and GI, or with some basic random settings.
I don't know do people actually research little about lightning or any other type of thing before they go into modding, or do they just increase/decrease values random?
It's like when you do this type of mods in general you don't want to have a pure white and a pure black color. And on this picture you can clearly see that the clouds are burning, so as the yellow walls on the right side of the picture.
In the back the trees and building is being eaten by the black color, never gonna figure out why do people think if something new pop out that is automatically better.