A while ago I started to work on a mod that essentially is an unofficial add-on for Unique Finery Replacer. UFR is a great mod, but doesn't cover every piece of jewelry, and virtually none of the generic items. The goal is to create a new model for every jewelry item, generic or not, and potentially add new and balanced items to complement the existing ones. I already finished the rings and gave the unique amulet(s) not covered by UFR a unique look. Literally every enchanted ring now has a new model if you combine this mod with UFR, but the work on the amulet part of the plugin hasn't started yet. I release what I have so far as a Beta, mostly because I wan't others to playtest what I have so far, but everything should be bug free.
New Rings:
Taldam's Firestarter
Drathis' Ice Cloak
Inas' Lightning Storm
Reynos' Pearl
Ring of the Ebon Veil
Ring of the Frozen Mirror
Ring of Eternal Solstice
Ring of Recall
Legal Disclaimer:
Everything in this mod can be used for every Morrowind mod as long as credit is given. All of the models, textures and icons in this mod are made from scratch, although most models use vanilla textures. Some of the textures in this mod have been created using Dongle's amazing http://download.fliggerty.com/download--515.
Example Screenshots:
Ring of Mark, Ring of Recall, Murdrum Ring: http://i.imgur.com/AxdDZBk.jpg
Ring of Firefist, Ring of Ice Grip, Ring of Stormhand, Ring of Ironhand, Ring of Knuckleluck: http://i.imgur.com/jMPnHrK.jpg
More rings: http://i.imgur.com/vcjeLJf.jpg
Ring of Farreaching (Unique, but not covered by UFR): http://i.imgur.com/G6Dc4zy.jpg
Adusamsi's Ring (Unique, but not covered by UFR): http://i.imgur.com/rqRyvIK.jpg
Erna the Quiet's Ring (Unique, but not covered by UFR): http://i.imgur.com/lzlggmO.jpg
Suldreni's Amulet (Unique, but not covered by UFR): http://i.imgur.com/ghvtpIU.jpg
Icons of the old and new rings: http://i.imgur.com/6DJacHw.jpg
Temporary Download:
Recomended Mods:
Unique Finery Replacer (not using it makes this mod pretty much pointless)
Pluginless NoGlow
A tool to merge leveled lists
Keep in mind that this is a beta. While I believe that there are no bugs this mod is still incomplete. Any feedback and potential bug reports are appreciated.