Mucking with the Undead, random raise dead

Post » Wed May 11, 2016 9:37 pm



I am trying to get raise dead and the like to be more random , magnitude 3 all the time, magnitude 50 30% of the time, magnitude 500 10% of the time. It seems it just apply the same effect 2+ times disabling the raise dead spell or turning the course to ash, so I need to adjust the script right? uhg scripting is my bane....

I am starting to think I need to run a script to toggle on or toggle off an enchantment so the magnitude can be done separate. but I am thinking backwards, I want to be able to run the reanimation code at 50 mag and 50% chance if it fails it tries the 500 mag at 10%chance if it fails it then dose the mag 3 100% chance one.


nope wrong script. I found what I need, I need a script to pass/fail a random chance on running 3 different enchantment if it fails it moves on to the next enchantment,ect.

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Laura Hicks
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