What about the shower? Should it be linked as well? In the original setup the shower water has the sphere listed in the Enable Parent Tab.
What about the shower? Should it be linked as well? In the original setup the shower water has the sphere listed in the Enable Parent Tab.
My script tells its linked ref (the sphere) to enable or disable. Since the sphere is the enable-parent of the shower water, the water will automatically enable and disable when my script gives those orders to the sphere.
Mind, I'm trying to preserve (and fit into) as much of the original setup as possible, so you can have manual activation for the player and automated activation for NPCs. If that's not something you need and you feel confident enough to attempt to dismantle the player-centric setup, then you can just make the shower water the linked ref (instead of the sphere).
Well, almost! Shower turns off when npc is in the trigger, and on when leaving. Nothing happens either way with player.
Sphere: Linked FROM the triggerbox with script you created
Triggerbox: Linked REF to the Sphere
Water: Enable Parent to the Sphere
"&& akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer()" means and the reference is not the player. Remove those if you want it to work with the player too.
Update to what I previously said....it is working! I only added your script to the triggerbox within the Reference area, and not also within the activator. Now added to both places, and it works.
Thank you so much, David. I will credit you when I publish.
Elias, I will try the modification you suggest to see if that will work. I don't need it for current mod, but it could come in handy for the future. Thanks.