I had to share this, because I laughed so hard I almost cried. Last night, Jericho and I found a vault. So we decided to check it out. We were creeping down a corridor when I heard a noise and around the corner came this person named "Insane Survivor" armed with a sledgehammer. (That's your clue as to which vault. :wink_smile: ) I pulled out my trusty Spiked Knuckles and Jericho pulled out Stabhappy. Of course, we were crowded in this corner of the corridor. My first punch almost killed the enemy, then I whacked him again. He fell dead to the floor. Then I looked around and couldn't see Jericho standing anywhere. Then I noticed this combat knife laying on the floor. And when I tried to pick it up, I could talk to it!
Turns out I accidentally hit Jericho with the Paralyzing Palm, and he was laying on his back. I had normal conversation with him while he was paralyzed. Then after 30 seconds, he jumped up and starting doing what looked like weird jumping jacks for about 10 seconds, before pulling out a cigarette and lighting up. ROFL. :foodndrink:
We found the Sniper Shack last night too. My lockpick skill is not very high. There was a workbench there, so I thought we could do some fixing, and lo and behold when I traded equipment with him, he had a unique sniper rifle in his inventory! That's never happened to me before.