Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings, guys!
I know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense; I probably just wanted to get it off my chest.
I see many suggestions to "roleplay" characters, and I see that this is very popular in the Elder Scrolls games (evidenced by all of the DiD and "character story" threads). Sadly, I find that I cannot RP to that same extent in video games. But, ironically, I love to create original stories (one of my dreams is to write a novel-length story, which I still haven't had the time/motivation/energy for). I even sometimes make characters in RPGs (Elder Scrolls, Fallout 4, Guild Wars 2, Mass Effect, etc.) based off of my own original characters - make them look like how I envision my OCs, and name them after them. But I rarely go beyond that level of roleplaying because I do realize that it's just a game. The character simply becomes an avatar, a physical representation to make it more "fun" and to give me a starting point on how to make my character look. So it ends up being pretty superficial in the end.
I also find that certain playstyles (weapons, spells, armor types, etc.) are extremely hard for me to master. Never in any video game have I used "support" magic/etc. - I almost always am offensive, except in maybe a game like Final Fantasy X where I will pull in Yuna when I want to cast NulBlaze or something like that. But that kind of stuff, to me, is supplemental. In Elder Scrolls especially, I can't seem to make myself use a character who uses Conjuration and Alteration because it just makes it more complicated. I also svck at aiming with a bow in the game, so therefore I don't use bows.
Maybe I'm just not good at playing Skyrim? I have beaten the game twice, but those really were fully offensive characters (except for a character I based off of LotR's Boromir, and he had a 1h sword + shield).